3 Places you’re Leaving Money on the Table

3 Places you’re Leaving Money on the Table (and How to Fix Them Today) 

Good business coaches are able to look at a company objectively, ask pertinent questions, and guide the owner through the process of creating a plan for future growth. Consider a business coach your objective third party. They can sort through the processes and help mold the company into a profitable entity. Keep reading to learn the 3 places you’re leaving money on the table.

For any business owner with an online presence (and EVERY business should be online!) there are many passive ways to build income streams into your website and products that will bring in extra money while you focus on serving your current customers. Passive income is good and will help your bottom line while you actively market your business. You’ve invested good money into your business and your website; why not make it work harder for you?

Affiliate Marketing 

Affiliate Marketing is a simple way to make a commission by recommending products or services to your audience.

This process is similar to telling your friend or neighbor about the great pizza place where you just ate dinner. Simply sign up for the product’s affiliate program and place a unique link within a product review on your blog or on a web page listing all the business tools you recommend.

Every time someone clicks on your link, they are brought to the product’s site and if they make a purchase, you get a commission. Affiliate links can also be added to eBooks or other digital products you sell. However, review the Terms of Service for all the social media platforms before posting an affiliate link.

Affiliate Programs to Join

There are many different affiliate programs out there for you to check out and join. These include, Max Bounty, Avant Link, Shareasale, Commission Junction, Amazon’s Affiliate Program, etc. If you happen to enjoy a particular product, there is more than likely an affiliate program out there for it!

Affiliate Marketing Course

One affiliate marketing course that I have taken and I highly recommend because I learned so much and found so much value in it is Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing. If you are serious about making money with affiliate marketing, I highly recommend this course and encourage you to keep reading to find out more!

Blogging can be really difficult.

Many bloggers and online influencers skip over affiliate marketing. They either think it’s too hard, that it’s a waste of time, that they will turn followers away, or that their followers just won’t be interested.

However, if you’re not earning money through affiliate marketing, then you are leaving money on the table.

Perhaps you’ve tried affiliate marketing in the past, but nothing seemed to work.

Now, you just feel like it’s not possible and that you’ll always be stuck.

Trust me, I know how you feel. When I started out blogging, I knew NOTHING about it.

And due to that, I was afraid to try new things, and I was definitely afraid of affiliate marketing because I didn’t want to scare my readers away or waste my time.

Michelle earns over $50,000 a month through affiliate marketing, and she shares all of my best tips in this course.

In this course, there are 6 modules, over 30 lessons, over 20 worksheets, bonuses, an extremely helpful exclusive Facebook group, and more, and she goes through everything when it comes to affiliate marketing, such as:

  • What affiliate marketing is and how it works
  • Why affiliate marketing is great
  • The exact steps she’s taken to earn over $300,000 from a single blog post
  • Pick the right affiliate products to promote
  • How to increase conversions
  • How to build trust and not lose followers
  • Required disclosures that you need to know about
  • The one major tool you need for affiliate marketing
  • Different strategies to use to promote your affiliate products
  • How to use Pinterest to succeed at affiliate marketing (yes, this includes the newest Pinterest affiliate rules!)

Check out Making Sense of Affiliate Marketing TODAY!

Creating upsells in your sales funnel 

Creating upsets in your sales funnel is another overlooked place where you can bring in extra money. Do you have a basic sales funnel in place, where you make an offer to your broad audience and then have more focused, more expensive offers for them to choose from over time?

These additional offers bring your customers down the funnel toward your most expensive offer. Now, for each main offer in your sales funnel, think of an upsell your customer would find valuable.

This may be free admittance into your private Facebook group or maybe it’s a report, checklist, form, or eBook for a nominal fee that is a no-brainer add-on to their order.

For your more expensive offers, add a more expensive upsell, like a trial period in your membership site. The key is to choose relevant upsells that will benefit your customer and that makes sense to couple with the initial product purchase.

In other words, don’t create an upsell that doesn’t make sense.

The program I use for my funnels is ClickFunnels. This program is user-friendly and they have a lot of training videos and courses as well to help you get started. Click Here to see an example of one of my funnels.

One Funnel Away Challenge

Right now ClickFunnels is offering the One Funnel Away Challenge.

If you’re anything like me, you probably remember someone who helped you along the way.
Maybe that person was a mentor, or just someone with a little more knowledge than you, who could guide you in the right direction.
Maybe it was an author…
Maybe it was a coach…
Maybe it was just a friend who really cared…
But it’s certainly someone who had a MAJOR influence on your life, your goals, and your career.
How would you like to spread that type of influence, but also make some money while helping others the way you were once helped?
Win-win, right?
Don’t wait another second.
Click HERE to get started today!

Back-end efficiency 

Back-end efficiency is important to any business, whether it’s strictly online or whether you also have a physical location.

A business coach can objectively assess whether you’re working most efficiently and can offer solutions to make customer service, billing, and customer fulfillment (just to name a few areas) quicker and more accurate.

Very often business owners are too close to the situation to see how everything flows (or doesn’t flow) together, similar to why having someone else proofread your sales copy is ideal because they are more likely to pick up typos, strictly because they didn’t write the copy.

If you need more help deciphering which passive income streams you’re wasting, check out my limited time FREE offer of a Customized Business Scaling Blueprint. This is a FREE service I’m currently offering to my readers who are wanting to Grow, Scale, and Automate their business. Anyone who signs up to receive my business scaling blueprint will receive resources on goal planning, a blueprint on how to grow & automate their business, along with a checklist on how to accomplish their goals. Check it out here.

Free Online Community Building Workbook

An online community is a highly beneficial tool to market and run your business. Just about any business can benefit from it in some way. These communities are beneficial because they include people or customers interested in your business, services, products, knowledge, or education and seeking more of it.  Download this free workbook to get started building your very own Online Community!

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