Hi, I'm Dannielle Barndt- I’m a mother of 2, Entreprenuer, and Personal Finance Enthusiast who has paid off $60,000 of debt by 30, and started a Lifestyle Business while working full time. I help women build a successful future by starting a Business that fits their lifestyle.
The truth? Becoming an entrepreneur is an easy, natural transition for some people and a super stressful one for others. It makes sense: Going from employee to entrepreneur requires giving up the good for a chance at the great. It requires taking full responsibility for your successes – and failures. And it definitely requires facing your fears head on. (Did I mention it also requires giving up a steady paycheck, job security and a safety net in times of financial stress? Yeah, that, too.)
However, if you want to make your leap from the cubicle to the coffee table seamless and stress-free, don’t fret just yet. The good news is most of this is mindset stuff, and if you make just a few key shifts in yours before you hop off the corporate ladder, you’ll feel much more prepared for the ups and downs and all-arounds of entrepreneurship–and have a much higher chance at long-term self-employed success!