How to Build Motivation into Your Life

Even if you love what you do, burnout can still happen. Most of the time, burnout is related to a feeling of mental and physical exhaustion and being unable to do all that you need to do to get to a place of rest. Keep reading to learn How to Build Motivation into Your Life and why it’s important for helping with feelings of burnout. 

Burnout can happen for numerous reasons that are not necessarily controllable for workers, but the main reason it happens to entrepreneurs is a lack of planning and an unrealistic view of how much one can do in a day. If you have nothing of pleasure to look forward to, it’s hard to stay motivated. 

You can fix this problem and avoid burnout by building motivation into your life by planning for it. 

Take More Breaks During the Workday

The mind works at a high rate of efficiency for about 90-minute increments, according to science. Try implementing short ten to twenty-minute breaks between 90 minutes of hard work incrementally throughout the day. 

Plan More Weekend Getaways

Don’t put off time away from work, especially on weekends. Alternatively, if you have a business where you’re needed more on weekends and less during the week, you can make your own weekend getaway midweek work. Try hard to take at least two days in a row off every week.

Plan for More Long-Term Vacations 

Everyone deserves a vacation. Taking a vacation does not mean that you have a poor work ethic or that you’re lazy. In many wealthy industrialized countries around the world, 30 days a year vacation is not uncommon. Use that as your guide and plan at least one, two or more-week vacation per year to recharge and experience the fruits of your hard work.

Disconnect Digitally Every Day

You have to have an ending tie every day. Even as an entrepreneur, you need a time of the day that is just for your friends, family, and yourself and time that is just for work. You should be able to disconnect digitally at least two to three hours before bedtime every night. Science shows that eliminating this digital connection before sleeping will improve your rest. 

Do Something That Interests You

Even on days that you are working, you should do something outside of work that is interesting a few times a week too. What is interesting to you that you want to learn, experience, or understand? Want to learn a new language, make it happen. Want to learn how to bake, make it happen. 

Get Bored Sometimes 

Accepting that it’s okay to be bored or get bored is hard for some people to do. Most of us have been so brainwashed into constant and continual productivity that we never get bored. Due to that lack of boredom, we may start feeling less than creative. It’s okay to take some time each day to just do nothing and be bored so that you can explore other ideas. 

Focus on Impact and Meaning

When you do things, it’s essential to focus on the impact and meaning of the actions you take. While the intent is also important, the true measure of effect is the impact you create.  

All exhaustion and malaise are not necessarily caused by burnout, though. Make sure you double-check with your doctor if you implement burnout busting measures and still don’t feel differently. You may need a physical that includes blood tests to ensure that you are healthy since many diseases can also cause symptoms of burnout, such as low iron or vitamin B12 levels. 

Want to learn more about the Signs of Burnout as an Entrepreneur and how to avoid burnout in your business?

in the challenge to receive a blog post every day with a link via email, as well as a free ebook and workbook to remind you, as well as be invited to a private community to help you work through the Avoiding and Overcoming Burnout 30-Day Challenge. Join this challenge to help yourself by avoiding and overcoming burnout in your business!

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Being a businesswoman isn’t just about being “good at” or “smart about” business.

It’s also about being able to handle your business – and life – and not let the speed bumps you encounter permanently affect you, your business or your idea of who you are.

Because TBH? On the path to running a successful online empire, you’ll encounter lots of snags, slip-ups, hiccups and moments where you’ll want to give up.

That’s where self love comes in.

We get that creative women in particular can be ridiculously hard on themselves.

Have you ever poured your heart into a social media post that literally no one commented on–and assumed it was because your ideas were bad or stupid?

Or helmed a launch that didn’t quite turn out the way you’d planned it in your pretty  Day Designer–because clearly you’re just not “cut out for” this?

Yep–we’ve all been there.

The good news? The more you truly love yourself, the better you’ll be able to navigate these tricky (and unavoidable) situations–and the faster you’ll be able to pick yourself up, dust off your Lululemons & get back to doing the good work you do in the world.

No matter what’s going on “on the outside” – whether it’s a client who refuses to pay on time or a program launch that totally flops – real self love will help you navigate anything our crazy world throws your way with (way) more ease, grace and resilience.

Bonus? When you learn to love yourself, you’ll also have more love to extend to others – including your friends, family and–of course–lovely paying clients.

Click here to get your free 39 page Self Love Journal!