by Dannielle | Apr 1, 2020 | Blogging Tips, Entrepreneurial Life, Online Business Tips, Productivity
It’s amazing how fast time flies by. It feels as if you just blink, and five years have passed. The problem is, most of us tend to overestimate what we can do in a year, and conversely, underestimate what we can do for the long term, such as in five years. The...
by Dannielle | Apr 1, 2020 | Blogging Tips, Entrepreneurial Life, Online Business Tips, Productivity
Do you have to work a day job while you’re starting up your lifestyle-focused business that will eventually produce a full-time income? If so, the idea of balancing the day job and side hustle right now may seem difficult and even impossible. After all, you must...
by Dannielle | Apr 1, 2020 | Blogging Tips, Entrepreneurial Life, Online Business Tips, Productivity
Did you know that most of the time, 20 percent of your effort correlates to about 80 percent of the results that you get? Discovering the business-oriented actions that make the biggest impact for you means that you can do more of that and less of the things that...
by Dannielle | Apr 1, 2020 | Blogging Tips, Entrepreneurial Life, Online Business Tips, Productivity
You may think you don’t have time for the things that you need to do, much less for the things you want to do. But the truth is, you make time for what’s important. This line either resonated with you or made you feel as if you were stabbed by a knife. If...
by Dannielle | Mar 31, 2020 | Blogging Tips, Entrepreneurial Life, Finance Tips, Online Business Tips, Productivity
It can be easy to get carried away with creating your business plan when creating a lifestyle-focused business. After all, sometimes it feels like making money is the main goal in life. However, remember when you design your business, you are trying to create a...
by Dannielle | Feb 14, 2020 | Blogging Tips, Entrepreneurial Life, Online Business Tips, Productivity
Can you think back on a time of real growth, be it in business, in your personal life, or anywhere else? More than likely, you had to step out of your comfort zone for that growth to happen. Yes, we can make progress by doing what we’ve always done. But it will be...
by Dannielle | Feb 14, 2020 | Blogging Tips, Entrepreneurial Life, Online Business Tips, Productivity
Throughout this short little series on setting business goals, I’ve mentioned the importance of writing said goals down. That isn’t just because it’s easy to forget. There’s a lot more to it and there are some very important reasons why you have to write them down. I...
by Dannielle | Feb 14, 2020 | Blogging Tips, Entrepreneurial Life, Online Business Tips, Productivity
Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. If you click through and make a purchase, I’ll earn a commission, at no additional cost to you. Read my full disclosure here. Today I want to share my thinking process for setting smart business goals with...
by Dannielle | Feb 14, 2020 | Blogging Tips, Entrepreneurial Life, Online Business Tips, Productivity
Increasing Traffic, Subscribers & Customers To Boost Your Bottom Line To grow your income, you need more customers. That in turn means you need more people to sign up for your list. Where do these new subscribers come from? You get them by increasing the...
by Dannielle | Feb 13, 2020 | Blogging Tips, Entrepreneurial Life, Online Business Tips, Productivity
You Have To Know Where You’re At Right Now To Measure Growth & Figure Out What You Should Be Working On. Are you ready to take your online business to the next level and watch some explosive growth unfold over the coming months? Great!! Before you start to plot...