10 Ways to Grow Your Business With Facebook

10 Ways to Grow Your Business With Facebook

Do you struggle with marketing your business on Facebook?

I know your time is a precious commodity these days but it’s time to analyze your Facebook marketing strategy.

Whether you adore social media or think it’s a necessary evil, Facebook is the gateway to your tribe, to the people who need to hear your message and who can benefit the most.

With well over 1 billion daily active users around the world, your audience IS there. It’s just a matter of crafting your message and getting engagement on all your posts.

It may sound like a daunting task but once you get to know your ideal client and pinpoint the best time to reach them online, the rest of the process becomes easier. Keep reading to learn 10 Ways to grow your business with Facebook!

Don’t Be Afraid to Show Your Personality on Facebook

There’s so much more to life than working, don’t you agree? So if you do nothing but post about your business and become a pushy salesperson, you’re not doing yourself justice and your followers will soon get bored and abandon you. Instead, show them what a well-rounded life you lead and pique their interest with other “lifestyle” type photos and posts.

Sharing parts of your life is just one way to develop a relationship where your audience will get to know, like, and trust you enough to make a purchase. These photos and funny stories will make you appear more approachable so your followers won’t hesitate to send you a message to ask questions about your products. 

Here are just a few fun ways to lighten up the mood on Facebook and to increase your engagement with your followers:

Share Your Humor

Did your preschooler tell a funny story at breakfast? Feel free to share it. Did you have a funny conversation with your bestie, teenager, or grandparent? Share it. Everybody needs a little pick me up during the day and laughing also releases stress.

What are Your Weekend Plans?

Do you have a favorite hangout on Friday nights? Or do your Saturdays find you on the soccer field? Supporting your favorite local charity by attending their running race or annual gala? I guarantee you’ll get some other soccer moms commiserating with you and you’ll bring awareness to a local business and/or charity.

Love to Travel? Share Your Favorite Tips and Locations

Whether you travel for business or strictly for pleasure, sharing your notes of your favorite locations will help others planning a business retreat or conference. These types of posts are also great for starting conversations about vision boards and bucket lists. Even if your customers don’t travel, they can still live vicariously through you!

Share Your Lunchtime View

Almost everyone enjoys leaving the office for lunch so why not settle in at a park, by the water, or on the beach and share your view on Facebook. Even if you’re stuck inside during bad weather, your view can stir up fun conversations.

Show Them Your Favorite Hobbies

How do you relax after a long day’s work? What pulls at your heart strings and really motivates you to push through your work load so you can enjoy your free time? Hobbies are a wonderful way to engage people in your posts. Show pictures of your workspace, your finished project, or simply share how you discovered this hobby. 

These are just a few ideas of what to share online that still shows you’re a real person with a real life outside of work. These types of lists are really unlimited in length because you are so uniquely different from every other person in the world. Showcase what makes you YOU; show us your talents outside of your work. Sharing these glimpses into your personality and your life will attract your audience.

Be Confident in Your Business and Always Ask for the Sale

Let’s state the obvious: you’re in business to earn money. Yes, you want to help others as well, but you want to make a profit with your business, am I right? In order to make a profit, you need to sell your products and services. But is it enough to just create products and wait for people to make a purchase? Not at all. I like to call that “wishful marketing” and it simply doesn’t work. That’s a very passive approach to running a business as opposed to a proactive approach, which includes finding people in your target market, forming a relationship with them, introducing them to your business, and then asking for the sale.

Find Your Confidence

It sure is discouraging when people say “no” when you ask for a meeting or for the sale but there’s also a popular thought in the sales community that you need to hear 100 no’s before you hear a yes. Your business and your services won’t appeal to everyone; or they might appeal to someone who doesn’t have the money to spend right now. That doesn’t mean your business idea is awful; it simply means you haven’t found the right people yet. 

If you have put careful thought into what you want to offer your target audience and you have created coaching packages and/or services to meet those needs, be confident in telling people who you serve and how you do so. 

  • Create introductory posts on Facebook – on your personal profile and business page – and give a short summary of who you are and what you do. 
  • Spell out exactly who you’re seeking as your target market; think of those web pages you’ve seen with the specific title, “Who Should Work With Me.”
  • Create a Facebook Live series where you answer frequently asked questions as they relate specifically to your business.
  • Find a podcast or other interview opportunity where you can share your expertise with a larger/different audience. Interview scenarios often put people at ease because you’re having a simple conversation.

When the Time is Right, Ask for the Sale

Your customers will purchase from you when they know, like, and trust you, so coming on strong with heavy sales talk or pestering them like a used car salesperson will chase those promising customers away. 

Instead, gently nudge these prospects down your sales funnel. If you have never heard of a sales funnel, it’s simply a visual representation of how you’ll guide prospects toward your higher-priced products. In this manner, you’ll have lower-priced items for sale for those who say they’re interested but don’t have the money. If they purchase your lower-priced item, they may find the money in the future for a higher-priced item, but only if they know about the other products/services you offer.

How do you ask for the sale? Here are some thoughts:

  • Include Calls-to-Action everywhere: at the end of every blog post; in your social media posts; within your eBook and other products. Invite your prospects to take the next logical step with you.
  • In your email marketing: don’t be afraid to tell your readers about new offers. Never assume someone knows what you’re up to; be proactive and proud of your accomplishments and shout it from the rooftops.
  • At the end of your one-on-one consultations: always ask if they are ready for the next step (i.e.: to make a purchase) or if you can follow up with them after a specific timeframe if they need time to think. If someone is on the fence, now is when you nurture this relationship so they remember YOU when they are finally ready to make a purchase.

At the end of the day, if you listen to what your audience needs, there’s no harm in making the offer and asking for the sale. If they say no, move on while nurturing the relationship.

Spread Your Name Recognition with Boosted Posts on Facebook 

While you’re putting in the time to grow your network on Facebook, there’s one more avenue you can use to reach a larger audience: boost your posts. Quite simply, this is a form of advertising which costs money but it’s a quick and more passive way to reach more people in a short amount of time.

Isn’t Posting Daily on Facebook Enough?

This answer depends on your end goal for your business. Posting and interacting daily will definitely grow your followers but if you want a quick jumpstart add in a boosted post and examine the results. 

One friend recently boosted a post for a total of $30 and it brought in $202 in sales. It was a “set it and forget it” process and she set a monetary limit so as not to break the bank but she was very pleased with that result; so much so that she’s boosting the same post again.

Why Should I Boost a Post?

No doubt you’ve noticed lots of changes with the Facebook algorithms lately and you’ve probably heard lots of people complaining about those changes. Business page organic reach has declined drastically so you can’t depend on Facebook algorithms to get your posts seen, even if people have liked your page. So, instead of taking a passive, “I hope you see my posts” stance, let’s be proactive and boost a post to bypass the questionable organic reach of your basic post.

Boosted posts also allow you to highly target your viewers, so you are in complete control of the demographics (again, a highly proactive approach). You can set a certain geographic area as your target or a specific age range. If you have thought carefully about your target market demographics, this step will be easy to complete.

Speaking of control: you are in control of how much you spend on this boosted post as well as the length of the campaign. Theoretically, you could run a campaign for $1 per day (the daily minimum allowed) but if you spend more money each day, you will reach a larger number of people.

How to Create a Boosted Post

Most importantly: you can only boost a post from a Business Page, so if you don’t have one set up yet, get that done. 

Step 1: Choose which Post to Boost

This can be a current post or you can write a brand new post. If you’ve been active on your page, you will even see recommendations for which posts to boost. The choice is yours, just think about the purpose of your boosted post, then choose the most appropriate post for your goal.

Step 2: Choose Your Target Audience

If you want to grow your name recognition, select your own demographics, geographic area, and/or age range. You can even create multiple audiences with different demographics by clicking on the “Create New Audience” link.

Step 3: Choose Your Budget and Campaign Duration

How much can you afford to spend each day your campaign runs? How many days do you want the boost to run? You will see Facebook’s estimated reach climb as your budget amount increases. This is still an estimate so make this decision based on what you can actually afford as opposed to the number of people who might pay attention to your boosted post.

Step 4: Setup Your Payment, Hit the Boost Button, then Analyze the Results

Seeing the results of your boost is exciting because Facebook offers easy-to-understand insights for every boosted post. You will see your actual reach as well as how many clicks your post received. From there you can determine if you received any sales directly from this post or if you noticed an increase in friend requests during this time frame. 

Luckily Facebook has made boosting a post very simple so once you go through it once, it’s much easier to understand. And once you set all the details, you can go about your day while your boosted post works its magic to bring you more target audience members.

Don’t Sit in the Shadows – Tell Your Message to the World

When was the last time you actually talked about your business and what you do for people on Facebook? Do the followers of your personal profile have any idea what you do for a living? Or are you on Facebook keeping up with college buddies and parent friends from your kids’ school?

I know you know this but it bears repeating: If you don’t toot your own horn once in a while, nobody else will do it for you. Don’t sit back and wait for people to find you. Be proactive and step out from behind your computer and TELL people what your business is all about.

True, you don’t want every single post to be self-promotion because that definitely gets old and could turn followers away from you. Instead, develop a social media plan so your posts are a good balance between personal, business, and fun.

Facebook allows at least three different ways to reach your audience and if you’re on Facebook for business, you should utilize all three because not everyone will see every single post you publish. Using three different avenues raises your odds that the people in your target market will see something of interest.

Optimize Your Personal Profile

Prospective clients will check out your profile on a daily basis if you do a good job of posting consistently and reaching out to others as friends. So, in order to grab their attention, be sure you fill out ALL the space on your personal profile page as completely as possible. 

  • Add a bio – describe to your followers what makes you tick and how you’re unique
  • Use featured photos – a nice, visual way to grab attention with photos from conferences, workshops, speaking engagements, etc.
  • Add your workplace information – link to your website, Facebook Group, and Facebook Business Page
  • Link other social media profiles – under the About >> Contact & Basic Info section

Even though your personal profile is meant for personal stuff, you can certainly announce the launch of your book, post photos of your recent trip to a mastermind retreat, or talk about the convention you attended and met your favorite mentor. While these are business-related, you’re not purposefully promoting your business via your personal profile.

Create a Business Page on Facebook

The standard rule of Facebook is you use a business page to promote your business while your personal profile is meant for personal communication. So, to stay in good standing with Facebook, create that business page and optimize it in the same manner as you did your personal profile.

Business pages have come under fire recently because users complain that they never see page posts in their news feeds, even though they have liked the page. While this is aggravating, don’t give up yet. If for nothing else, you can add your website link and other contact information here and, since it’s a business page, you can talk about your business and promote your products every single day, even multiple times a day, without penalty. You can also run contests from your business page as well as add an opt-in offer to one of the tabs. Consider this a quick overview of your business where your followers can decide if they want to move forward with a consultation. Put a “Send Message” button on your business page to make that appointment booking even easier.

Use Facebook Groups to Woo Prospects

Facebook groups can be another great resource to chat directly with prospective clients. Public groups are a good way to handle customer service questions. Closed or Secret groups are best used for specialty discussion topics, or memberships. Keep in mind that successful groups need daily interaction from their host so they don’t forget about you but that’s easy to add to your overall Facebook marketing plan.

Remember this important note: finding clients is all about building relationships and that doesn’t happen overnight. Talk about your business, showcase your expertise, reach out to your followers, and when the time is right, they will remember your name because you dared to talk about what you do.

Be Social on Facebook, Reach Out and Make Friends 

So many business owners forget about the “social” part of social media. A huge component of what makes social media work for you is actually being social. It’s simply not enough to create your personal profile and business page and then disappear, waiting for people to find you and buy from you.

While that sounds like a lovely idea, it just doesn’t work because marketing is about building relationships. And what do good, strong relationships have in common? Communication and interaction between the two parties. You sitting back and waiting for others to do the work is quite the opposite of communicating and interacting.

Plan Daily Posts

Consistency is key to growing a social media audience and that means daily posts on your personal profile, business page, and in your prospect group if you have one. These posts should all be written differently to avoid getting labeled by Facebook as a “spammer” but they can certainly have the same theme or message. 

Think About Your Target Market

Who is your ideal client? What time do they visit Facebook, during the day or evening? Do they belong to any particular groups? Think about that special client avatar – your ideal client – and plan your postings accordingly. What does she really need help with? Do you have advice that can help her? Understanding her needs will aid you in reaching her directly.

Leave Comments to Start a Conversation

Instead of just “liking” a post on someone’s page, try leaving a comment or asking a question to start a conversation. This can occur in a group, page, or personal profile. Be authentic when choosing your words and if a conversation ensues, consider sending a Friend Request.

Pay Attention to Who Leaves Comments and Likes Your Posts

When someone leaves a comment or likes one of your posts, click into their personal profile and determine if this person is a part of your target audience. If so, consider sending a Friend Request or following them.

Share Some Free Advice

This is especially true in groups when other members ask a question or need help solving a problem. If you know the answer, give it freely instead of adding a link to your product (check the group rules first). You don’t’ have to give away all your trade secrets but this is a simple way to show others in the group that you know what you’re talking about and you care about helping others. 

Plan an Online Event and Encourage Others to Share with a Friend

Video is HOT when it comes to reaching your audience and developing a relationship quickly so take advantage of using Facebook Live. Plan out what you want to talk about (consider an overview of your business; or a sneak peek at your book or signature class; or the Top 10 reasons why you need a coach). Create some buzz and let your followers know the day and time of the Live event and encourage them to share the day/time with their friends. In this scenario, your video should offer useful tips or information for your target market. If they like what they hear and they are attracted to your style of presenting, they will search quickly become followers.

Be creative when it comes to finding new followers on Facebook and remember to nurture the relationship with these new friends.

Increase Your Sales and Name Recognition with Facebook Ads 

Social media is an easy way to interact with your audience and to grow your following but sometimes it can seem like a tedious process. If you want to take control and try to speed up the rate at which you obtain leads or make sales, try using Facebook Ads to increase your reach.

Facebook Ads are created in the Ad Manager and you’ll need to know the demographics of your target market as well as how much you want to spend and how long you want the ad to run. But first, Facebook wants you to identify your ad objective and you have about 12 options to choose from.

Next is setting up the ad. Choose the Facebook Page you want to promote and then choose the demographics. If you look at the gauge in the right margin, you’ll see a Potential Reach number that probably is in the millions. Who wouldn’t want millions of new leads, right? Don’t be fooled. Of those millions of names, how many would actually be QUALIFIED leads? Do you think you’ll make many sales from a million names if they can’t afford your products? Knowing your target market demographics will whittle down the potential numbers but they will more accurately match your market’s qualifying traits.

How to Target Fans of OTHER Facebook Pages

Yes, this is really a thing! And no, you’re not stealing audience members from other brands; you’re merely introducing yourself to those followers in hopes of winning them over to your brand. 

After you enter your own demographic information, click on the Interests field and start to enter the name of the Facebook Page you want to target. If the page has enough fans, it will likely show up in the dropdown box as a match. If a match doesn’t come up as you type in a page name, it’s not available to be targeted.

When it comes to setting a budget, you can start as low as $1 per day but as with anything, you get what you pay for. Smaller budgets will reach fewer people; running an ad for fewer days will also reach fewer people. So determine how much you can realistically afford on this campaign then decide how many days the ad should run.

Tips to Designing an Effective Facebook Ad

We all know that Facebook has many, many rules about everything on their platform and how to design an ad is no exception. Your ad should have a pleasing photograph but you are limited to how much text you have as an overlay. Their magic number is less than 20% text on your actual graphic because they say these ads perform better. This 20% rule does NOT include the body text of your ad (which appears above your graphic). Exceptions to the 20% rule are book covers, album covers, etc. which already have text printed on them.

Always be sure you have the rights to use the photo! Your best bet is to use your own photo or a stock image that you have purchased. Grabbing images from Google Images is not proper and very well could be a copyright infringement.

If you’re looking to collect new leads or sell your newest product, running a Facebook Ad campaign can be a worthwhile investment. Be clear on who your market is and simply follow the steps as Facebook has laid them out. Once your ad is running, log in to your Ad Manager to analyze the performance results.

Consistency Yields More Followers on Facebook

If you want to build an audience of loyal followers on any social media platform, consistency must be a part of your posting strategy. How many times a day you post is your choice and some quick market research will tell you when your target audience is most likely to be online but the key to success is to post every single day. 

I’m sure you’ve seen Facebook Business Pages that just seem to gather dust because the owner got overwhelmed or too busy managing other parts of their business to keep up with posting interesting and engaging items on their page. Even if they are the biggest and brightest expert in their field, having a social media profile that lacks information will lead prospects to question why they aren’t more active.

Planning Your Social Media Posts

Instead of staring blankly at your empty Business Page, take out a calendar instead – or create a color-coded Google Calendar – and mark down weekly themes or seasonal holidays so you have an idea every month what you’ll post about. Decide what will make your followers engage with your posts. Learn what information do they need during the week, and figure out what will make them loyal followers? A mixture of educational, inspirational, and entertaining posts will mix it up for them but also don’t be afraid to tout your products or services. Don’t rely on subtle hints; tell your audience in your loud outdoor voice exactly what you have to offer.

Stay Sane and Use the Facebook Scheduling Feature

Instead of sitting down every day to write your posts, become friends with the scheduling feature that’s now available on Facebook Business Pages. Now you can block off some time and schedule a week’s worth of posts by simply choosing what day and time they should magically appear. There’s still work involved with the writing and finding a photo to accompany your posts but by dedicating a block of time each week and referencing your calendar for themed ideas, social media posting will become much more enjoyable.

If you want to cross promote your business across multiple platforms, try using third-party scheduling software such as HootSuite or Meet Edgar. You can manage all your social profiles in one place as well as schedule all your posts. To avoid being labeled a “spammer,” switch up the words in each post while keeping the same overall theme. Think about how much more enjoyable your vacations will be when you can schedule social media posts before you even leave your home.

Free Up More Time: Hire a Social Media Manager

I know it’s hard to give up control of business tasks but if you really want to grow your social following, it’s time to hire a social media manager. The benefits are plentiful: you eliminate stress by delegating to an expert; social media managers can offer posting strategies for growing your audience; you can now focus on money-making tasks. Not only will social media managers strategize with you, they can take over the actual content creation as well as engage with your followers. Of course, you personally need to also interact with your audience but your manager can help while you’re working on your book or preparing your next presentation. 

If your budget right now doesn’t allow outsourcing, don’t despair. Plan your posts, schedule them according to plan, and remember to engage with anyone who comments or asks questions. 

Use Facebook Events to Have Fun with Your Followers 

Getting back to business basics: You must market your business to your target audience or they won’t know you exist. And when it comes to marketing, why not use every tool available to you? When marketing on Facebook, one tool that is often overlooked is the Facebook Events tool. It’s a great way to get extra publicity for your business; however, it takes some planning to get it just right. So grab your calendar and your brainstorming notebook and let’s get creative. 

Getting Started with Facebook Events

Begin with your reasons for holding an event. What is the goal of the event? If you’re just opening your coaching doors, then a “Grand Opening” makes sense. Even if you’ve been coaching for a while, host a “Client Appreciation” event for your current clients or a “Celebrating 10 Years in Business” event where you reintroduce yourself to the public in hopes of attracting prospects. Did you just write a book? Host a “Book Launch” event. Want to start networking with local business owners in your community? Host a “Get to Know You” event. You’ll get the most interest in your events if there is a clear reason for hosting. 

Now think about where you want to hold this event. If you have a physical location, your physical address is the best place to hold a Grand Opening. People will naturally wander into your business to meet you. If you work from home and don’t want to disrupt your family’s routine, find a small but intimate restaurant or pub that has a room you can rent out. Consider it a Meet and Greet party with light finger foods.

Even if your business is 100% online you can still create an event but direct them instead to your business page at a certain time for a live video or direct them to a webinar room. In both of these instances, you’ll need to plan what you’ll say and present – just like a webinar – because you can’t rely on small talk as you would if you met people in real life. 

Before publishing you event, design a photo that accurately portrays your event and that grabs people’s attention. Facebook event photos should be 1920×1080 pixels. Publish your event and then ask your graphic designer or VA to resize your photo for other social media platforms so you can start cross promoting.

Cross Promoting Your Event

Promoting your event via social media is the easiest way to reach a large number of people, so use all your platforms to cross promote. However, only use those platforms that you use on a regular basis; do not claim this as the right time to build a Twitter following. Promote to those who already follow you for best results.

Facebook Ads are a tremendous way to expand your reach to attract new people to your event. You can easily set the demographics of your target market as well as a budget and the duration for which the ads should run. Plan your ads and promotions so you can build buzz and anticipation but also send reminder ads as the event date gets closer.

Lastly, enjoy your event! You worked hard and deserve to have some fun. After you recover from the event, write down notes about what went well or not so well and create a checklist so you know exactly what needs to happen in which order when you plan your next event.  

Use Free Facebook Groups to Attract Prospects 

If you want to interact more personally with potential clients, offer a Facebook group where you’ll get into deeper discussions related to your area of expertise. Consider this part of your funnel: after they follow your Facebook Business Page, send them an invite to your group. Getting these prospects into a group gives you a new level of intimacy where you can get to know them better and understand their challenges. 

Choosing the Correct Privacy Settings for Your Group

Facebook allows three different privacy settings for groups: Public, Closed, or Secret. The setting you choose is dependent upon your goals for the group. 

Public groups are rather self-explanatory: everyone on Facebook can find your group, see the group’s name, description, and the member list. While members still need to request to join a Public group, there’s no expectation of privacy and viewers can see all the published posts when they scan the group page. Consider this one step above a Business Page, where you can interact with people who have already expressed an interest in what you do.

Closed groups allow a bit more privacy in that only group members can see what is posted. Anyone can still find the group name and see the description but postings and the member list will be private and only group members can see that info. This type of group also attracts people who are interested in your products or services but offers more privacy so they can post frequently or share details of their lives without making it available to the entire world of Facebook.

Secret groups take privacy one step further in that no one can do a search and find your group on Facebook. Only current and former members can see the group name and description and only former members can ask to re-join the group. This setting is ideal if you want to cultivate a VIP or invitation-only atmosphere, especially if you’ll use this as a mastermind or brainstorming group where top secret business information will be shared.

Do You Need a Group? How to Decide

Facebook Groups are very easy to set up but ask yourself if you really need and enjoy this type of social mingling. Keeping groups active and interesting takes work – on a daily basis – and if you forget to post even once, your engagement will start to lag and people may lose interest. So be sure you love social media and you love to help your target audience.

Use your group to answer Frequently Asked Questions or to address customer service questions. Ask members for market research input as to what types of products they would love to see next. Use your group to host Facebook Live Q&A sessions. Offer something else exclusive to group members to keep them active. 

While you can still ask these same questions on your Business Page, you may get more answers in this intimate group setting, especially since these members have already prequalified themselves as being interested in what you offer.

Toot Your Horn with Testimonials on Facebook

If you’re in business to make money, then you need to market your business and actually tell people what you do. If you do your job well, you need to tell prospective clients in an effort to win their business. And what better way to do that then with social proof. It’s not bragging; it’s smart marketing.

So why are so many business owners afraid to ask their happy clients and customers for glowing testimonials or reviews? Sure, don’t ask a client for a review if their experience was less than stellar but for all of those who you know are happy, why not ask?

How to Use Reviews and Testimonials Online

Facebook allows happy users to leave written reviews and 5-star ratings on Business Pages. You can find those reviews on a page either with the link in the left sidebar or by scrolling down the page itself. However, for the average user, knowing where to find the link to leave a review or a rating may not be obvious, which is why you should get in the habit of asking and directing people to that link. When people leave ratings, other prospective clients who visit your page will see them and may be swayed enough to call you to get more information.

If people email you testimonials, you can add those to your Facebook Business Page as a regular post as opposed to a Review. Facebook has recently changed their Review section so you can’t just copy and paste the review without it appearing to be posted by you, which wouldn’t appear authentic. So, simply publish the emailed review as a post.

Also use reviews across all your social platforms, including your website, your personal profile, and your prospect group, if you have one. Try scheduling one day a week to post testimonials on social media. Create an email campaign touting your reviews but also giving your customers the direct links to leave a Facebook Review. Take some simple screenshots to make the process even easier for your customers.

Keep Your Reviews and Testimonials Current

One reason to make it a habit to ask for reviews is to keep them up to date. For instance, if I’m looking for a party planner but your last Facebook review is from 2014, I’ll wonder two things: first, are you still in business; and second, are you any good at your job? This explanation could simply be that you’re not asking for the reviews but prospects don’t know that; they will likely jump to the wrong conclusion about why your testimonials are old.

Current reviews also show prospects that you’ve taken steps to rectify past problems. For instance, if someone wrote that you were difficult to reach and didn’t follow up with her properly, you can make changes to your follow up process and then ask more recent clients to address their happiness with that issue. Your willingness to accept client feedback and make changes will endear you to many prospects.

Make a change today and ask for reviews and testimonials from recent clients. Ask for an email or send direct links to your Facebook Business Page review section and to Yelp or Google so they can write online. Not only will glowing reviews validate the work you’re doing but will also convince new prospects that you are capable and knowledgeable. 

Free Online Community Building Workbook

An online community is a highly beneficial tool to market and run your business. Just about any business can benefit from it in some way. These communities are beneficial because they include people or customers interested in your business, services, products, knowledge, or education and seeking more of it.  Download this free workbook to get started building your very own Online Community!

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